Google Intern Shines, Sharing His Heritage, Hard Work, and Happiness
Frederick “Freddy” Santiago doesn’t call himself a genius. Instead, he attributes his success and leadership to the simple things like: hard work and happiness.
The Bronx to B-School: Finding Beauty in the Struggle
By: Day Rankin Growing up as an Afro-Latina and a native New Yorker taught MLT Alum Ruth Perez everything she knows about hustle, resilience, and leadership. Read how she’s navigated countries, cultures, and her career on the road to senior leadership. Beginning in...Leading By Lifting Others—From LA to DC
Maria Razo is so bubbly, you’d never guess what she’s previously endured. Yet all of it led to her new role at MLT, helping MLT alumni achieve their career and leadership goals.
So, You Want an MBA: 5 Ways to Prepare for Business School
These five tips will help you prepare for business school. Learn how you can submit a strong application and get your MBA!
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