What I Learned Working at My First Job at Taco Bell
By Amjed Osman, MLT Career Prep 2015 Introduction by Career Prep Coach Angie Temming As Amjed’s MLT CP Coach, I was impressed with his strong interpersonal skills, gracious sense of gratitude, and infectious enthusiasm for every task, no matter how daunting or...
A Letter to the 2017 MBA Prep Class, from Sola Ayobiojo, MBAP ’16
There is a light at the end of the tunnel… Dear MBA Prep 2017, As I reflect on my MLT MBA Prep experience, two themes come to mind: trust in the process and you are not alone. Trust in the process is a notion I have heard since day one at the kick-off seminar...
Q&A with NewStory Charity Founder, Alexandria Lafci
By: Avril Langevine Can you briefly tell me about your career path/story to date before you founded NewStory Charity? I’ve always been very interested in social impact. The issue of homelessness is something that I took an interest in at early age because my mom...
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