Apply to MLT Ascend

Apply to MLT Ascend

  MLT Ascend is a college success and career readiness program for low-income and first-generation college students who identify as Black, Latinx, or Native American. The program is provided at NO COST to students and includes professional one-on-one...
Maya Drayton

Maya Drayton

My coach has helped tremendously with my academic and career goals. She assisted me in finding and provided many opportunities that would allow me to gain experience in my desired field. She also helped me take advantage of some of the resources at my university. Maya...
Oscar Loyola

Oscar Loyola

Through MLT I have grown as an individual and I am excited to transfer the many tools I have gained through this program to my future internships and programs. My coach has been 100% dedicated to helping me, his efforts are very appreciated from going through business...
Veronica Franco Salazar

Veronica Franco Salazar

Ascend is a perfect program for first-generation college students. The learning curve faced by first-generation students affects all facets of the college experience—academically, socially, and professionally. MLT has helped me navigate these areas with greater ease....
Oluwaseyi Olaleye

Oluwaseyi Olaleye

Being first generation and low income, there have been many times I have been confused or simply did not have a way to go about in taking the next steps. The mentorship and personal support MLT has always offered is the reason why I will be graduating from Stanford...