Celebrating the Mothers of Our MLT Alumni

Celebrating the Mothers of Our MLT Alumni

Before they were MLTers or successful business leaders, they were daughters. We asked these MLT Alums to reflect on how their mothers have influenced their journeys to success. In celebration of Mother’s Day, we invite you to read their stories and get inspired to...
Meet our MBA Professional Development Coaches

Meet our MBA Professional Development Coaches

At MLT, one-on-one coaching plays a pivotal role in a Fellow’s path to success. We reached out to a few phenomenal MBA Professional Development (PD) coaches to learn more about them, their most memorable impact stories, and their advice for incoming MBA students of...
Drawing Her Own Doors to Opportunities in Tech

Drawing Her Own Doors to Opportunities in Tech

  Angelik Laboy Torres, third from left in the above photo, is an MLT Career Prep Fellow attending Georgia Tech as a computer science major and film studies minor. When it comes to reaching one’s goals, Angelik says she has learned that no matter how impossible...