Insight into the MBA Prep Experience

By: Armund Allen, MBA Prep 2016,
In preparation for the MBA Prep Kickoff this weekend, we reached out to MLT Alum to ask what MLT meant to them and any advice they have for the new class of fellows! Below is our Q&A with MBA Prep Alum Armund Allen.
In three words, describe what MLT means to you?
Exposure, Inspiring and Transformative.
How did your coach most influence your applications to business school?
My coach Kendra was my biggest ally throughout the application process. When she thought of a former fellow that could provide me with clarity about my career goals or about a school, she quickly made the introduction. When it came to essays, she was instrumental in teaching me to make every word, every sentence and every paragraph count. Redundancy and “filler” words were not allowed! This really helped me make my essays impactful.
How did developing the MLT resources, curriculum and network change your career expectations?
MLT has raised my career potential above what I could have imagined prior to becoming a fellow. Through informational interviews, MLT produced content, webinars and conversations with my MLT family, I have learned about so many exciting career possibilities. There isn’t a day that goes by where I’m not learning something new about an industry or a role.
What did you discover about yourself from participating in the MBA Prep program?
MBA Prep made me hungrier! It made me want to keep striving to improve myself. MLT has positive peer pressure. If other fellows were studying for the GMAT or writing essays, I knew that I should be too. I don’t know if I would have pushed myself as hard or kept myself as accountable without MBA Prep.
What would you say to someone who might be thinking about getting an MBA but doesn’t know how to start?
Start by thinking about what truly motivates you, align those motivating factors to possible careers through research and apply to MBA Prep!