MLT Blog

MBA Prep Accelerated: What’s the ROI?

By Candace Gonzales Tumey, MBA Prep Accelerated Coach

MLT launched MBA Prep Accelerated as a supplement to the traditional MBA Prep program. The accelerated version provides a self-paced curriculum with additional essay reviews and enhanced access to admissions officers. 

As future MBA candidates consider which of the two programs they want to apply for, I’m often asked – what’s the return on investment (ROI) for the Accelerated version? I connected with several of my former Accelerated Fellows to bring you their perspective.

So nice to catch up! Thank you for speaking with me about your experiences in MBA Prep Accelerated. I want to talk about ROI today. What was your ROI in terms of cost?

MBA Prep Accelerated Fellow (Harvard, ’21): I am convinced there is no better way to break into the MBA program of your dreams than the Accelerated program. The coaches, programming, and network are unparalleled and worth much more than the cost. The ROI is infinite.

MBA Prep Accelerated Fellow (Booth, ‘21): Accelerated is much cheaper than traditional consultants and has a much better success rate. That’s on a macro-level. On a micro-level, my personal experience has been excellent. I got into multiple top 10 schools—many with full rides, living stipends, and well over $1 million in scholarships. 

MBA Prep Accelerated Fellow (Wharton, ’21): This process was fundamental in getting accepted to my top schools. It helped me hone in on why I wanted to go and how to tell my story. My coach provided the most in-depth feedback on my application. No one else could have improved it the way she did.

Wonderful. How about your ROI in terms of schools? Were you considered by your top choice institutions?

MBA Prep Accelerated Fellow (Booth, ’21): I was considered by my top choice schools. Most came with acceptance and an awesome scholarship. I do not believe that would have been the case without Accelerated.

MBA Prep Accelerated Fellow (Stanford, ’21): MBA Prep Accelerated did more than help me apply to business school—it helped me reflect on what I want out of my career and life, and what I have to offer the world. I am so grateful to you, Coach Candace, for your advice and support in navigating this process. 

Thank you for placing your trust in me and in MLT. I am so happy that you found success! How did MBA Prep Accelerated help you gain a network of high-performing peers and professionals?

MBA Prep Accelerated Fellow (Wharton, ’21): I really appreciated being a part of a smaller cohort. In addition to developing a close relationship with my Coach, I bonded with several members. We hosted weekly catch-ups, asked questions, got to know one another, and more. I also loved that being a part of Accelerated didn’t make me feel isolated from the rest of the cohorts. This was especially important to me as a gay person, because I could connect with LGBTQ+ MLTers and build that community as well. 

MBA Prep Accelerated Fellow (Booth, ’21): The network has been a surprising value-add. It’s made me more prepared for interviews and aware of opportunities that I would have never known about.

MBA Prep Accelerated Fellow (Wharton, ’21): MBA Prep Accelerated connected me with some of the most impressive people I’ve met in my career thus far. I am so honored to be a part of this community. Applying to business school is hard, so being a part of a talented and ambitious group motivated me to push harder and do my best. In addition to my cohort, I feel like I’m a part of a broader MLT community that I can tap into (and give back to). 

Thank you all for your insights. I can’t wait to hear about your future accomplishments in business school and beyond!


MLT’s MBA Prep Accelerated Program provides one-on-one coaching to prospective students with high expectations. Accelerated coaches work closely with Fellows to support and guide every aspect of your MBA application. The application deadline for MBA Prep Accelerated was July 16th, 2021. Click here to learn more about the program.