A Letter to the 2017 MBA Prep Class, from Sola Ayobiojo, MBAP ’16

There is a light at the end of the tunnel…
Dear MBA Prep 2017,
As I reflect on my MLT MBA Prep experience, two themes come to mind: trust in the process and you are not alone. Trust in the process is a notion I have heard since day one at the kick-off seminar and countless times from coaches, MBA Prep alumni, and my peers. When you are being told to trust in the process, that does not mean that the process will not be difficult or painful, it means that you will make it, and that everything will work out in the end. Trust in the process means that even though you will feel like quitting, you have to keep going. It means that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and the hours spent studying for the GMAT, completing MLT assignments, and crafting your essays will all pay off.
While MLT continues to remind me to trust the process, I would be remiss not to discuss some specific aspects of the process. One of the main goals of the MLT MBA Prep program is to make sure that you are presenting your best application to business schools. Further, the program forces you to be so prepared that by the time you hit submit on that application or go to that interview, the person reading your essay or interviewing you can tell that you are extremely polished. One way that the program seeks to accomplish these goals is by exposing fellows to admission officers as early as June during the second seminar. Multiple interactions with admissions officers in casual and formal settings such as speed networking sessions, lunches, and mock interviews help us gain comfort and form relationships with the people who will be making key decisions regarding our business school applications. More than exposure, at the last seminar, we were able to receive valuable constructive feedback after mock interviews. One piece of advice that I think applies to everyone is to think about what you can contribute to your business school and how a MBA program will help you develop your key areas of improvement. Think: what do I bring to the table and what do I want to leave the table with? Sounds like simple advice, but these are important points that I had to think about as I crafted my essays last fall.
Lastly, I want to touch on my final point—you are not alone. Let me just say that MBA Prep is not for the faint-hearted, but for fighters. It is for those who can keep their eyes on the goal and keep pressing forward. It’s difficult to quit when there’s an army of people marching alongside you. When you fall, your fellow soldier picks you up and, sometimes even carry you through the battlefield to the victory line. That is what MLT MBA Prep is all about. As a member of this great program, I have never felt alone. MLT is a family and one thing that I love about my family from those in my Philly crew to the hilarious women of MLT, is that each day I can find my inspiration in them. One of my best friends in the program has taught me to take risks and dream big. Not only has this person been an encourager, but he also believes in me so much that I’m afraid to let him down. That’s exactly what a family does. They keep you accountable. They uplift, encourage, and celebrate you. They are your support system, comic relief, and voice of reason. That’s exactly what my MLT family has been to me. Keep pressing on everyone!
With all my support and encouragement,
MBA Prep & MBA Professional Development
Class of 2016