Impact Portfolio: We Are MLT
Tap into the power of a good story.
Impact Portfolio ❯❯ Breann Davis

Breann Davis


Procter & Gamble


Undergraduate: University of Georgia
MBA Program(s): Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management


Career Prep 2008, MBA PD 2014, MBA Prep 2014

Complete this sentence, "If not for MLT..."
I would not be where I am today. MLT, not once but twice, helped me elevate my personal definition of what it meant to be successful in my professional life. Career Prep opened my world up to students like me also striving for greatness. More recently, MBA Prep helped make my goal of attending a Top 5 MBA program a reality.

Please describe the impact MLT had immediately upon completing your program.
MLT allowed me to truly see my potential in the professional world. Coming from a family where having a decent paying job was the gold standard, I learned that there was a whole world of opportunity beyond just making money. I learned the true meaning of passion and ambition through MLT.

How has MLT changed the financial/economic trajectory for you and your family?
MLT has absolutely improved my financial outlook and the legacy I hope to leave for future family generations. I now have two prestigious degrees and years of experience at top companies that were heavily influenced by the skills, preparation, and networking I obtained from MLT. This is in no way ordinary or normal for my family or where I'm from!

Has MLT elevated your personal and professional aspirations?
If so, please provide an example. My previous definition of success was muted and conservative. I believed that a good paycheck in a job I did not enjoy was the best I could do. But, through MLT and John Rice's messaging on passion in the work and personal contexts, I decided that I would not settle. Through MLT MBA Prep and Professional Development, I gained exposure to a broadened set of companies, industries, and roles that allowed me to find a career path I could possibly fall in love with. For this, I am truly grateful.

How has MLT's community helped advance your personal and/or professional happiness?
When I think about the true value in being a part of the MLT community, two examples stand out to me. First, MLT provides a strong network of professional connections to other fellows, coaches, staff, and sponsors who share a similar mindset and drive. For me, a person who was not raised in these types of circles, connections like these have been critical to getting me to where I am today. This is especially true in a professional world that is so small with such few degrees of separation. Second, many of the deep, personal friendships I've developed through undergrad and business school have been facilitated and strengthened by my experience in MLT.

Speak to a challenge MLT helped you overcome and how did that help your trajectory (i.e. confidence that you belong, growth mindset, vulnerability).
One of the biggest challenges I faced was overcoming my personal challenges with the GMAT and juggling b-school applications with tremendous work pressure to gain acceptance to a top MBA program—which was my ultimate goal. My transparency and honesty about those struggles is intentional as I know many current and future MLTers will face similar challenges, and it is important they know they are not alone in those struggles. I am a living testament, as I know the rigor of the MBA Prep program was crucial in my ability to overcome everything and attend Kellogg. I know I would not have achieved my goal without the support of my coach, Krista, and the structure of the program—both refused to let me give up on my goal.

Have you helped advance vulnerable people on their path to economic mobility?
If so, how? One of my priorities has been, and continues to be, serving as a mentor to those coming after me, specifically for minority individuals. I am very involved in my current company's diversity recruiting efforts and spend a considerable amount of time on the phone or via email answering questions, reviewing resumes, or doing anything that looks like help. I also am dedicated to formally serving as a mentor to several minority colleagues, both current and former. Finally, I've been able to influence and support the journeys of several close friends who have also completed MLT MBA Prep in recent years, been accepted to prestigious MBA programs, and have changed their future trajectories as well.

Share 2-3 ways you've been able to accelerate your organization's journey toward greater diversity and inclusion.
I serve as a member of the planning team for P&G's Brand Camp seminar, targeted toward providing early access to top minority talent considering a career in brand management at P&G. This has been a huge pipeline for minority talent at P&G and is a core priority for the company. In addition, in Fall 2018, I traveled back to Kellogg to deliver a Ted Talk and case study with my Director on the importance of multicultural marketing and learnings from The Talk, an award-winning campaign on bias launching by the My Black is Beautiful brand. This was the first event of its kind delivered at Kellogg and, while it was targeted toward all students, it contributed to the best recruiting year for P&G's Kellogg recruiting team in several years. This shows the power of harnessing diversity and inclusion to not just benefit minorities, but benefit all for a greater good.

Share your favorite song, movie, or book, and why it appeals to you.
My favorite movie of all time is A League of Their Own, starring Tom Hanks and Geena Davis (I watched a lot of old movies on TBS as a child!) It has always been my favorite movie because of the dominant character 'Dottie', played by Davis. I've always been drawn into anything portraying a woman at the top of her game. Not just the top woman, but the top, period. End of sentence.

What is your superpower?
My hidden superpower is empathy. I believe I am extremely proficient in the ability to put myself in the shoes of others and demonstrate true empathy. I honestly feel like this is one of the most lacking and undervalued qualities in our world. Most of our problems on this earth— from traffic to war—stem from a lack of empathy!

What gives you hope?
Every day I am reminded that I am surrounded by amazingly smart and extraordinary human beings. This is what gives me the most hope.

This content has been edited for brevity and clarity.
Published in 2019

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