MLT Blog

Microsoft’s Partnership with MLT Opens New “Windows” of Opportunity for Minority Talent

By: Avril Langevine

We are thrilled to announce Management Leadership for Tomorrow’s newest partner: Microsoft Corp. Microsoft joins other global brands and technology powerhouses in the MLT partner network that are committed to building a robust, diverse leadership pipeline.  “So many companies are realizing that increasing their diversity is key to their continued innovation and growth,” said John Rice, Founder and CEO of MLT.  “We are honored that Microsoft has chosen to work with MLT to advance top talent from diverse backgrounds, ” said Rice.

“As an organization that is based on empowering people and businesses to achieve their potential,” said Karishma Irani, Diversity Program Manager, “we at Microsoft value MLT’s commitment to helping minorities realize their full potential as well.”

“We consider MLT a great partner in diversity recruitment and advancement,” continued Karishma Irani.  “With our MLT partnership, we are excited to offer professional growth opportunities to our current minority talent, and we look forward to being an integral part of the MLT community for many years to come.”

Here’s to opening up new “windows” of opportunity for Microsoft and MLT!