Impact Portfolio: We Are MLT
Tap into the power of a good story.
Impact Portfolio ❯❯ Will Drewery

Will Drewery




Undergraduate: Carnegie Mellon University
MBA Program(s): Harvard Business School



Impacting Manufacturing and Supply Chain through Innovation, Investments, and Inclusivity

By: Day Rankin

Will Drewery is the founder and CEO of Diagon, a manufacturing equipment marketplace. As an early stage venture founder, tech investor, and 2024 MLT Leader of Impact, Will stands at the forefront of the manufacturing and supply chain industry. Will has built manufacturing lines for complex technical products like rockets, robots, and electric vehicles for world-class companies like Tesla, Astra, and Bright Machines. His journey embodies a unique blend of passion, resilience, visionary leadership, and a steadfast commitment to advancing racial equity. 

Will’s story begins in the steel city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He recalls his childhood days, exploring abandoned factories that he and his friends considered to be playgrounds. Those early experiences would later spark his deep-rooted desire to revitalize the manufacturing sector and drive positive change in his community and beyond.

Everybody has an origin story that defines their path. Mine starts with my childhood upbringing and the life experiences that have shaped my journey." - Will Drewery

Will began his professional journey consulting for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). He took on an opportunity to rebuild factories for critical industries in Iraq. This experience broadened his understanding of manufacturing and supply chain dynamics. One particular experience at a cement factory in the city of Fallujah, known for its tumultuous and violent history, left a profound impact on him. "During the course of a factory tour, I learned that many of the rebels that used to fight against the American and Iraqi military were newly employed by the company,"  he shares.

I was surprised to learn that even in a situation as dire as this, there was an opportunity for a second chance." - Will Drewery

The cement factory served as a beacon of hope for many, offering them a means to earn an honest livelihood and support their families in a region plagued by conflict and economic hardship. This experience served as a poignant reminder for Will that meaningful opportunities can have a direct impact on empowering others in need. It brought on a broader understanding of the impact that these challenges can have on communities across the globe.

Economic hardship brings out the worst of humanity. Most problems in society stem from the lack of economic opportunities, and the socioeconomic systems that create this disparity." - Will Drewery

Rejection as Redirection

Will enrolled in MLT’s MBA Prep program while working abroad in 2008. Over the course of the following 2 years, he applied to 5 business schools. After receiving rejection letters from every other program, Will was ultimately admitted to Harvard Business School (HBS). 

My MLT coach supported my efforts for 2 years, reviewing essays, crafting my personal story, and introducing me to the admissions officers of the top MBA programs in the country. In consideration of my efforts in Iraq, my PwC partner (an HBS alumnus), wrote me a glowing letter of recommendation.” - Will Drewery

Building Factories of the Future

After business school, Will moved to Silicon Valley, where a friend approached him about the opportunity to refurbish an old factory for a promising electric vehicle startup. Will eventually joined the company as its first equipment buyer. That company turned out to be the company that everyone knows today as Tesla. 

Will played a pivotal role in procuring equipment for Tesla’s state-of-the-art factories, showcasing his ability to navigate complex technical challenges and a highly political work environment.

It became my job to procure the industrial robots, metal presses, plastic molding machines, and countless other factory equipment systems. Everything I sourced became part of our vehicle manufacturing machine. This was an incredibly important role at a company like Tesla, where the manufacturing process is so vertically integrated - meaning  we processed everything from raw materials to finished goods!” - Will Drewery

Will posed with Mark Taguchi (left) and their spouses at a MLT SELF Event

Exploring New Frontiers with Innovation and Intention

Central to Will's journey of impact was MLT. The organization provided invaluable mentorship and guidance as he navigated his career. Mentors like Wendy Weiss, Mark Taguchi, John Rice, and Barry Williams, challenged his perspectives, expanded his horizons, and encouraged him to pursue leadership opportunities in manufacturing and supply chain. 

During a coaching session, Barry Williams asked me if I ever considered becoming a CEO. I remember laughing because I thought [becoming a CEO] was something so unattainable that it wasn’t worth taking seriously. Up until then, I didn’t know many great examples of CEOs or board directors that I wanted to emulate. The MLT leadership team raised my expectations of what was possible.  I’m really grateful for the high quality mentors and advisors I’ve met over the course of my time as an MLT Alum.” - Will Drewery

In 2023, Will founded Diagon to help companies build manufacturing capacity in the US. Today, Diagon serves as a marketplace for high-value manufacturing equipment. Diagon helps buyers discover specialized equipment at discounted prices and fast delivery times; while helping sellers reach new customers and new markets. 

Beyond his entrepreneurial endeavors, Will also remains dedicated to fostering a community of manufacturing and supply chain leaders, promoting collaboration, diversity, and inclusion within the industry. His vision for a more inclusive and innovative future in manufacturing extends beyond mere aspirations. He is actively shaping a reality where Black, Latine, and other underrepresented individuals hold leadership positions and drive industry advancements. As a 2024 MLT Leader of Impact, Will is inspiring others to join him in building a forward-thinking future:

Being a Leader of Impact is about more than getting recognition. It’s an opportunity to build the future that we believe needs to exist, and inviting others to join us in building it." - Will Drewery

Will representing Diagon at the Movers and Makers event

Bringing Others Along for the Ride

Attracting and retaining talent remains a primary challenge for 65% of manufacturers. Moreover, 40% of the manufacturing labor force in the US comprises Black, Latine, and other underrepresented POC, highlighting the need for increased diversity and inclusion within the industry. With 3.8 million jobs needing to be filled in the manufacturing sector over the next decade, creating a space for underrepresented professionals to excel is necessary. 

Will recently established Forge, a community for black manufacturing leaders to share knowledge, opportunities, and experiences.  Drawing inspiration from Diagon's Movers & Makers community, Forge underscores Will’s vision to create opportunities for underrepresented manufacturing leaders. Forge serves as a platform to collaborate, innovate, and thrive in the manufacturing sector., Forge aligns closely with MLT’s mission to advance racial equity. 

As he builds Forge, Will acknowledges the significant impact that Black and Latine individuals have had on the manufacturing industry. From building bridges and infrastructure in Pittsburgh to contributing to the automotive industry in Detroit, these communities have played an important role in shaping progress. Manufacturing has historically been viewed as a pathway to economic mobility for these communities. He believes there is still immense potential for growth and opportunity in this space.

Will’s story continues to inspire and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future in manufacturing and supply chain leadership. As a 2024 MLT Leader of Impact, Will reminds us that we can always pivot to the passions and purpose instilled within and use those as a guiding light to impact others. 

MLT Leaders of Impact

MLT exists to advance racial equity by elevating the career and economic trajectory of people of color and changing employer practices to improve outcomes for all. This series highlights Leaders of Impact, MLTers who maximize their impact by cultivating social capital access, institutional change, civic leadership, and DEI philanthropy. All with the purpose of advancing racial equity and closing the racial wealth gap. Stay tuned for more of their inspiring stories.


This content has been edited for brevity and clarity.
Published in 2024

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