Impact Portfolio: We Are MLT
Tap into the power of a good story.
Impact Portfolio ❯❯ Blue Bookhard

Blue Bookhard




Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania


Career Prep 2016

Complete this sentence, "If not for MLT..."
I would be blindly applying for jobs and stumbling around to find my professional purpose.

Please describe the impact MLT had immediately upon completing your program.
I had internship and job offers lined up early in my junior and senior years of college. MLT allowed me to have a competitive edge in the process by allowing me to position myself in front of target companies before it was too late. I never had to worry about being unemployed or jobless after completing MLT.

How has MLT changed the financial/economic trajectory for you and your family?
MLTs exercises taught me to track, save, and simply consider my expenses on a consistent basis. Since transitioning out of college into full-time roles, I have a much stronger hold on my personal budgeting due to MLT. MLT allowed me to be 100% financially independent upon graduation.

Has MLT elevated your personal and professional aspirations? If so, please provide an example.
MLT taught me to think of my career as a process, not simply a sequence of next steps. My career coach, Michelle, taught me to zoom out and contextualize my internships and early-career work environments as investments for my growth as a working professional.

How has MLT's community helped advance your personal and/or professional happiness?
MLT’s community allowed me to learn from people with many more years of experience than I. I know how to have candid conversations with managers about career success, performance, and mobility. This pays off, immensely, when problems bubble up in the workplace.

Speak to a challenge MLT helped you overcome and how did that help your trajectory (i.e. confidence that you belong, growth mindset, vulnerability).
I had a mini-career crisis last year. I had realized that the professional track I was on did not align with my personal career goals. I took a lesson from my MLT exercises and identified my transferable skills, workplace pros and cons, things I did not like about my current role, and strategically identified a few roles and companies I sought to pursue. Months later, I am happy to say I have transitioned into a new company and function, which is much more aligned with the skills I hope to cultivate throughout my career.

Share 2-3 ways you've been able to accelerate your organization's journey toward greater diversity and inclusion.
1. Helping hiring managers and co-workers by identifying high-caliber diverse talent for roles across the company.
2. Being a champion for open dialogues and candid conversations in my own meetings.

Share your favorite song, movie, or book, and why it appeals to you.
The book I recommend to people time and time again is Freakonomics by Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt. The book gets your mind thinking of how cultural changes can have massive effects on society. Great read if you want to get into business, media, society or entertainment.

What is your superpower?
Building fun and exciting playlists, which are bound to get people to move :)

What gives you hope?
Seeing a leader embrace their employee's career goals and life aspirations. It is incredibly fueling when an organization invests in its employeesparticularly given the average person spends the majority of their time working a 9-5.

This content has been edited for brevity and clarity.
Published in 2019

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