Building Diverse Leaders
and Equitable Workspaces

MLT's growing network of rising leaders and partners is propelling us toward a more equitable society. Together, we can close the racial wealth gap and ensure everyone can access the American Dream.

Our Work

Career Acceleration

Coaching, professional playbooks, and network creation to advances careers-from college to the executive level.

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Employer Solutions

Effective DEI strategy, design, and implementation. Racial equity certification with benchmarks. Access to top, diverse talent.

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Social Change

Drive economic mobility by ensuring college students secure jobs that represent an appropriate return on a college degree.

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Who We Are

Closing Racial Wealth Gaps

Launched in 2002 Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) is a national nonprofit that is closing racial wealth gaps.

MLT’s programs ensure individuals who have lacked access to career accelerating resources realize their career and leadership potential. Each year, we provide immediate economic mobility for over 1,000 college students and help hundreds of rising leaders at various stages of their career journeys continue to live up to their full potential. MLT has convened a uniquely powerful and vibrant community of Rising Leaders—10,000 and growing—who are propelling change throughout our institutions, communities, and nation.

MLT is also helping over 200 major companies become more equitable employers. Building on nearly two decades of experience and deep partnerships in developing and implementing DEI strategies, MLT’s Racial Equity at Work Certification is a first-of-its-kind, quantifiable standard and strategic support for companies that are committed to becoming more fair, equitable, and meritocratic.


Rising Leaders And Growing


Committed Employers and Growing

Our Challenge

Racial wealth gaps haven’t improved since the 1960’s

Racial wealth gaps are as large as they were in the 1960’s when it was still legal to discriminate on the basis of race; and they’re only projected to get worse. In fact, 60% of Black and Latine 4-year college grads start their careers unemployed or underemployed and Black and Latine college graduates have a lower median net worth than White individuals with only a high school degree.

The median Black or Latine household has


the wealth of their White peers
At MLT, we exist to advance racial equity and close racial wealth gaps
By: Elevating the career and economic trajectory of individuals


Changing Employer Practices to improve outcomes for all

Our Vision

We envision a world where People of Color are not just able to survive by having enough to get by, but have the economic opportunities that allow them to thrive in all aspects of their lives

Advancing Employers and Individuals

Differences in lifetime earnings and benefits accounts for ~75% of the racial wealth gap. 67% percent of Americans make their careers at medium- to large-sized companies. Closing racial wealth gaps requires that major employers implement more equitable practices.

Our Goals for 2025
MLT Rising Leaders will serve in senior positions in business and social-sector organizations.
more MLT Rising Leaders will be thriving at various stages of ascent.

The MLT experience makes a profound and lasting impact on our fellows.

Four Pillars of Our Work
Economic Mobility for Students

We help thousands of students ensure that a college degree results in improved economic mobility.


Equitable Employer Practices

Employers directly control the two biggest drivers of wealth gaps: earnings and benefits. We work with large employers to help them institute wealth-gap closing practices that are good for their bottom lines.


Maximizing Career Trajectories

We help rising leaders maximize their trajectories and impact, which provides lasting mobility for their families and contributes to more equitable employer practices.


Entrepreneurs & High Growth Businesses

Entrepreneurship is a critical path to wealth generation and influence. We're working to ensure that the next generation of founders, investors, and new companies are more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

“We can't leave achieving the American Dream to chance – for our people, our organizations, our communities, and our nation’s future as a global innovation leader.“
- MLT Founder & CEO John Rice

Join the Movement

We believe we can meaningfully close the racial wealth gap within one generation, but we can't do it alone. We need you to get involved.

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Our Rising Leaders represent the most promising diverse talent across sectors.

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