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Coming from a first-generation household, I understood very little regarding courses, the cost of attendance, and study abroad programs. Thanks to Ascend, I’ve been able …


I have enjoyed participating in MLT Ascend. Speaking to my coach has really helped me a lot. The conversations we have are always insightful and …


The relationship I built with my Coach was unparalleled to any other resource. I believe they made a positive impact on my college career and …


MLT Ascend has truly supported my ability to confidently navigate throughout my college journey. From the resources and opportunities provided to the individualized help offered …


MLT Ascend is focused on student success. Ascend is very good at providing a support system and, most importantly, a structure for college students to …


Being part of MLT Ascend really improved my life in a way I wasn’t expecting it to. Having a coach motivated me to do better …


MLT Ascend coaches students through any challenge that they may face during college, not only so that they can thrive and be the best that …


My coach has helped tremendously with my academic and career goals. She assisted me in finding and provided many opportunities that would allow me to …


Through MLT I have grown as an individual and I am excited to transfer the many tools I have gained through this program to my …


Ascend is a perfect program for first-generation college students. The learning curve faced by first-generation students affects all facets of the college experience—academically, socially, and …