Q: What is the ideal Experienced Talent candidate profile?
A: Our partner organizations are seeking to fill roles at a variety of experience levels ranging from entry-level through Senior Director and VP level. As long as you have 1 year of professional experience, sign up!
Q: “I’m not actively looking for opportunities, but willing to make a move when the right role pops up; is this program right for me?”
A: Yes! If you are in the exploration phase and come across an opportunity at an Experienced Talent partner organization that you’d like to pursue, let us know. We will also reach out to you directly with opportunities that may interest you. And if your circumstances change later, simply let us know and we can slow down or speed up your search, simply let us know.
Q: Where can I find Experienced Talent job opportunities?
A: MLT sends a weekly jobs and networking opportunities newsletter to all of our Rising Leaders; if you don’t receive that, contact alumni@mlt.org with your updated contact information. You will find Experienced Talent partner opportunities in that weekly newsletter, but if you are running an active job search, you should check each firm’s careers site as well, so that MLT can help flag your application with the firms.
Q: What is the process for applying to Experienced Talent partner opportunities?
A: The application process varies across partners. In some cases, you will need to apply for the role via the organization’s career site and then let MLT know that you applied so we can flag your application. In other cases, MLT may submit your resume directly to our counterparts at the firm. We always provide instructions on how to apply when we promote new job opportunities in the weekly MLT newsletter.
Q: I received an email from the Experienced Talent Network with information about a job opportunity or event; what does this mean?
A: In some cases, we reach out to specific individuals with an exclusive event invitation or other opportunity at a partner firm. If you receive an email like this from us, it’s because MLT’s Experienced Talent team thought you might be a good match. The partner organization will not see your background until after you tell us you’re interested.
Q: Are these Experienced Talent job opportunities exclusively open to MLT, or are they advertised more broadly to the general public?
A: The majority of these job opportunities are advertised broadly; however, our partners often share roles with MLT before the job is even posted. While these roles are open to the general public, we alert our recruiting contacts when MLT alum candidates have applied in order to have applications flagged internally, meaning you can frequently bypass the need to apply online.