MLT Blog
Stories And News from Our Future Leaders
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MLT’s Tina Gilbert has a conversation with Melinda Halpert on the power of allyship to foster more inclusive, equitable workspaces.

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By: Rishal Stanciel  Rishal Stanciel is the Director of Recruitment and a Senior Career Coach for MLT’s Career Prep Program. She has a proven track …

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Frederick “Freddy” Santiago doesn’t call himself a genius. Instead, he attributes his success and leadership to the simple things like: hard work and happiness.

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By: Day Rankin Growing up as an Afro-Latina and a native New Yorker taught MLT Alum Ruth Perez everything she knows about hustle, resilience, and …

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Maria Razo is so bubbly, you’d never guess what she’s previously endured. Yet all of it led to her new role at MLT, helping MLT …

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These five tips will help you prepare for business school. Learn how you can submit a strong application and get your MBA!

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MLT Career Prep Alum Peter Dodd majored in religious studies at Harvard. Though the field was “intellectually intriguing,” he decided to follow another north star—one …

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Brooke “Bo” Wages is an MLT MBA Prep alum currently pursuing her MBA at MIT Sloan School of Management and her MPA at Harvard Kennedy …

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An MBA candidate at Harvard Business school, “MLT-Lifer” Nicole Clay reveals her entrepreneurial journey in co-founding Hue Beauty.

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MLT Alum becomes CEO one month after acquiring a company through 5th Century Partners, the largest institutional investor in Vital Care Industries, where another MLT …